Wednesday, December 14, 2011


One of the things I have found here in Peru, is that there are so many people in need, from orphans to one parent families in extreme poverty.  I can't help everyone, but I do want to help where I can.

I learnt about a charity called Put Them First from a friend.  In addition to a school and community libraries, they also work with a local refuge centre where single mothers who are desperately trying to make ends meet, can send their children during the working day.  This refuge centre is called Manantiales, and in addition to my volunteer work for Traveller Not Tourist, I have also commenced volunteering here.

Manantiales was established by a Peruvian lady, Lucia, who runs a local bakery.  There are 2 lovely Peruvian ladies who work there full time, Miriam and Marisol, but volunteers are much needed to assist with looking after the children.

On my first day I arrived at 9am.  I was greeted warmly at the door by Marisol, and followed her into the play area.  The area is small, but nicely kept, with a tiny adjoining kitchen. Whilst the area is small, it provides such a huge benefit to the families that send their children there.  That day there were 7 children present, sweet children all under the age of 3, who played quietly and without any fuss, until mid-morning when they were given fresh fruit juice.  I then played with the children until lunchtime, when I assisted in feeding them a homemade lunch.  When the children first came to Manantiales, they were malnourished, but by providing them with hot meals every day they soon became much healthier.  Afterwards, the children were changed and put to bed to sleep until later in the afternoon.  My working day ended at 1pm once the children were tucked up in bed and sleeping peacefully.  Their parents would collect them soon after they awoke in the afternoon.

As part of volunteering at the programme, volunteers all make a donation which goes directly to providing food for the children.  So thank you to those who contributed to our fundraising in England, as this is where some of the remaining funds have been donated to.

More information about Put Them First and Manantiales can be found on the following websites:

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